First, and most exciting - I got a job! It's a pretty awesome job too, and one that I know I'm going to enjoy. I will be working at a local hospital here, in the clinics, transitioning them from paper charting to online charting. My job is going to consist of - go to work, take pile of charts, data enter the shit out of them, scan important stuff, and move on. At least, I think that is how it will go. I'm the first person of 3 they hired to do this in 11 clinics...they haven't worked with the EHR system yet, so no one really knows yet what/how this is going to happen. I'm going to be making $11.38 an hour, plus I'll get benefits! Not bad. Not bad at all. The job is technically only a temporary position, for 6 months, but I'll be doing it until the work is done.
So yeah. Very excited about the job. I had only wanted to work part-time, due to school and the rest of life. But thats ok. The money will be good, and we'll make it work. Colin also has a line on a really good job at St. Pats as a Chaplain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can land that...if he does, life will be good! I don't even know what we'll do with ourselves with both of us having jobs. Oh wait. I do. We'll pay off all our bills. :) WOOOHOO FINANCIAL FREEDOM!
Second, and almost as exciting. Earlier this week, I spent a few days in lovely Kalispell with my roommate. You see, she makes art for a living. And her art goes to 11! I went with her while she was working her super sekrit project... Ok, maybe not so sekrit. Anyway, the highschool there has some equipment she needed to use, so I came along as an extra set of hands, eyes, and brains. Let me tell you - they came out AWESOME. When they start selling these things commercially, I think they are going to fly off the shelves. They are just a lot of fun. Once the ordering system is up and running, I'll share it. They are going to be fuuuuun!
As a note, if I get bit in the Zombie Apocalypse...Double Tap is my death of choice. Quick and Clean, please!
Third, and not exciting at all. My laptop bit the dust. Like, hardcore death. A friend was fabulous and tried to help me bring it back to life, without any luck. He was unable to find out what was wrong with it. It had a virus, and I thought I got rid of it, and then it wouldn't boot up. We did a quick format of the hard drive using his external hard drive cool thingey bobber...but whenever we tried to load XP on it, it would say there wasn't a HD installed. But the BIOS was recognizing there was a HD there. Basically, something isn't working there, and we can't figure out how to fix it. :( One of my roommates has an old hd I'm going to pop in there, and we'll see if that works. If it does, eventually I'll get a new hd and turn it into a desk top machine for playing WoW. If not, well...then I guess I'll have something to bring to smashing day this year! The other roommate has an old laptop she is letting me borrow for a few weeks. Which is awesome...checking e-mail and such on my phone was getting frustrating! Now I can do homework and IRC until our taxes get back in a few weeks. And then - netbook, baby!
So yeah. I guess that is it for now. I know you all missed me desperately!
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