2012 is quickly drawing to a close. There are things in my life that I'd change if I could of course--I'd love to be 20 pounds slimmer, or have bigger boobs or have a lot more money. I'd love to be a little more sure of where our lives would take us in the next year and where we would be ending up. But really, all things considered, I couldn't be happier.
2012 was a crazy year. It was full of insane highs and lows...but for the most part, the year was amazing. There were bad parts. There were some massive fights between my husband and I. Our lives were oftentimes frustrating and difficult. But despite that, it was an amazing year.
I'm sitting here watching my son rip apart tissue paper and try to eat it. He is happy and healthy and absolutely amazing. He surprises me every day with the things he does and the way he changes. Sometimes the only reason I get out of bed in the morning is knowing that I have his happy little face to wake up to.
He'll be a year old in just a few days. It's amazing how much changes in a year. He is such a little man...he's not a baby anymore, he's a toddler. He is busy and crazy smart and so full of joy and love and life!
In 2012, I started working at the Post Office, which is a job that I really very much enjoy.
I transferred to a new school. I'm not sure yet how much I like it, but I'm sticking with it for now at least.
I've learned so much about myself. I am a good mother...I am an amazing mother. I have an amazing family.
Of course, as I type this, he is busy getting into everything in Oma and Opa's living room. Hell, I wouldn't change that either. The busy inquisitiveness is a wonderful sign. He's going to be a bright kid.
I admit I'm biased.
I could be spending my New Years Eve out and about, drinking and partying and enjoying myself. And it would be fun, this is true. But I am perfectly content where I am, ringing in the new year with my Prince Charming.
If you had the choice, wouldn't you want to spend your day with this child too?
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