Sunday, September 19, 2010

One of the things we've been reading about in my Composition class is journaling. I've always had journals, since I was a little girl. The thing is, I always thought my life was too boring to really journal I'd make up these great fantastic stories in my ever day journal. I'd write and write about this thing or that thing, but rarely about what was real. Even in recent years, when I've had a livejournal, it was rarely writing for ME, but almost always writing for OTHERS. I almost always write with an audience in mind. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not...

So, I'm going to attempt to journal/blog more often. It's not going to be every day - I just don't have the time for that. And the reason I'm doing it here rather then lj is because I wanted a fresh start. I can write whatever comes to mind...maybe I'll talk about things going on in my life, maybe I'll talk about stuff in the news or going on in the world, or my past. I haven't decided yet.

So anyway. Journaling. Thats what my Comp book says I should do. My life is pretty boring, I think...oh well. :)